The average house price on JELLISON WALK is £146,955
The most expensive house in the street is 6 JELLISON WALK with an estimated value of £171,291
The cheapest house in the street is 8 JELLISON WALK with an estimated value of £102,502
The house which was most recently sold was 2 JELLISON WALK, this sold on 25 Sep 2020 for £126,000
The postcode for JELLISON WALK is HU12 9SD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 JELLISON WALK Semi-Detached £150,718 £126,000 25 Sep 2020
4 JELLISON WALK Semi-Detached £161,678 £89,995 9 Sep 2009
6 JELLISON WALK Semi-Detached £171,291 £86,000 30 Jun 2004
8 JELLISON WALK Semi-Detached £102,502 £30,000 29 Jun 2001
10 JELLISON WALK Semi-Detached £155,567 £125,000 14 Mar 2019
12 JELLISON WALK Terraced £139,975 £81,000 10 Jan 2011